The damage caused by wild boar and deer

Compensation for damage caused by wild boar, deer are often a hot topic especially among farmers. This is the very hot and very often it is difficult for farmers to get a settlement with hunting clubs. Most damages arise hunting in corn, potatoes and meadows. It is worth to protect yourself before the damage occurred, ideal for fence here with a strong shepherd the wild.
An example can be wild, which caused severe damage to potatoes. After completion of the compensation of the hunters, the farmer receives a letter from the hunting club with the amount of compensation, an amount which very often do not cover claims farmer. There is simply too low low. So let's describe what are the rules for determining the amount of loss of hunting.
Determining the extent of the damage to crops is done by multiplying the area of ​​a crop that has been damaged, and the rate of its destruction, and then multiplying the ratio so obtained and the yield surface of 1 ha. However, in the case of damage to agricultural crops is determined estimated fetal weight of damaged farm. The amount of compensation shall be determined by multiplying the extent of the damage by the purchase price of the item return. When the focus is not carried out - the market price of the final assessment. Taking into account the price that occurs in the area of ​​injury. The compensation shall be reduced accordingly by the avoided costs of harvest, transport and storage.
The amount of compensation for damage caused by wild meadows and pastures is determined by the value of the lost crop (green mass and hay) during the growing season and the costs of bringing the damaged area to its original state. These costs are calculated on the basis of current prices agritechnical and the market value of seeds required for sowing. Fetuses from the damaged crops after final estimate excludes the possibility of re-injury assessment for its further increase. They are exceptionally permitted, by agreement between the parties, if the crop is not harvested because of bad weather. However, it must be held no later than 7 days from the date of the final assessment.